Tsev > Cov khoom > Cov khoom siv tsiaj > Tsiaj Deodorant Spray
Tsiaj Deodorant Spray
  • Tsiaj Deodorant SprayTsiaj Deodorant Spray
  • Tsiaj Deodorant SprayTsiaj Deodorant Spray
  • Tsiaj Deodorant SprayTsiaj Deodorant Spray
  • Tsiaj Deodorant SprayTsiaj Deodorant Spray
  • Tsiaj Deodorant SprayTsiaj Deodorant Spray

Tsiaj Deodorant Spray

Yinge's Pet deodorant spray yog cov khoom lag luam tshiab uas muaj rau 6 lub thev naus laus zis dub uas pab kom cov ntxhiab tsw phem tawm ntawm cov khoom tso tawm. Nws yog ib qho kev cog qoob loo uas zoo deodorizes thiab khaws cov tshuaj tsw qab thaum decomposing odors. Cov tshuaj deodorant no haum rau miv thiab dev thiab siv tau ntev thiab siv tau zoo. Tsiaj tshuaj tsuag deodorant kuj muaj cov khoom ua kom tsis muaj menyuam uas tu cov tawv nqaij ntawm koj cov tsiaj.

Xa lus nug

Product Description

Yinge's Pet deodorant spray suav nrog rau 6 lub thev naus laus zis uas tiv thaiv cov ntxhiab tsw ntxhiab los ntawm excrement. Cov kua txiv hmab txiv ntoo no muaj txiaj ntsig zoo hauv kev tshem tawm cov ntxhiab tsw thiab tswj cov tshuaj tsw qab tshiab thaum muaj txiaj ntsig zoo decomposing odors. Cov tshuaj tsuag deodorant yog sib xws nrog miv thiab dev thiab muaj lub zog ntev thiab muaj zog. Tsis tas li ntawd, nws suav nrog cov khoom ua kom tsis muaj menyuam uas muab khoom noj rau koj cov tsiaj tawv nqaij.

Khoom npe: Tsiaj deodorant spray

Lub neej txee: 2 xyoos

Brand: Yinge

Specification: 500ML

Cov khoom xyaw: Deionized Dej, Glycerin, Aloe Vera Extract, Tocopherol Acetate, Ethylhexylglycerol, Lavender Roj, Tshuaj yej Ntoo Roj

Txoj kev khaws cia: Khaws rau ntawm chav tsev kub thiab tsis txhob teeb

Yam khoom siv: universal rau miv thiab dev

Biological enzymes ≠ tshuaj tua kab mob Cov khoom cog Cov tshuaj tua kab mob hauv av

Ua tau zoo thiab tsis muaj mob, peb muaj kev txhawj xeeb sib npaug

Kuv muaj zog heev. Ib lub raj mis ntawm Tsiaj deodorant spray yog sib npaug rau peb lub fwj

Kev xaiv ntawm 500ML · Muaj Peev Xwm Muaj Peev Xwm, Siab Siab

Hot Tags: Tsiaj Deodorant Spray, manufacturers, lwm tus neeg, Hoobkas, Suav teb, ua nyob rau hauv Suav teb, nqe lus, Tshuag, dawb qauv, customized, zoo
Yam Qeb
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Thov koj xav tias dawb muab koj qhov kev nug hauv daim ntawv hauv qab no. Peb yuav teb koj hauv 24 teev.
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